Reflect on 2024 & Reenergize for 2025!

Jan 03, 2025

2024 was a helluva year...

Because my world is viewed through the lens of communication and connection, I value people and relationships.

My family is my core; Colin, Nick, Maddy, my Mom, my Mom-in-Law and my brothers and their families. They are beautiful people; intelligent, fun, supportive and I love them dearly.

My team is amazing; Diane (Business Manager), Madeline (Social Coordinator), Sage (Advisor & Fellow Nerd) and Dr. Amanda (Mob RVT Integration Services). I live by the principle that the best investment any business makes is in their team and their culture. We curate our own culture of joy, of determination and of value - we work hard, we appreciate each other and it shows.

Other entrepreneurs that we rely on and have been with BS since the beginning; Sarah with SOAR Creative, bringing life to our digital presence. Chris with Stayfocusd who captures our story and helps us tell it with style & feel. Kellie and the crew at the unique, Horse in Hand Ranch, where we are fortunate to host our events. My fun business partner, Elan, and our very cool biz, The Horsewoman's Club - we are curating some awesome events and creating a special community of people.

My heart friends; people that know me so well and are there for idea sharing, for having fun and for living life to the fullest. My horse community; horses are my passion and I make time with them a priority because that fills my cup! I'm always grateful to Jonathan with Jonathan Field Horsemanship for his dedication to horses and their people. 

People are the foundation of relationships and they are fuelled by connected dialogue, positive intent and gratitude. Without our people, we are nowhere!

๐Ÿ’ฌ BS Communication Strategies did a few things in 2024...

58 events in 2024:
4  Mobilizing RVTs®
9 Rally the Receptionists (including 2 industry supported offerings)
1 Building Better Leaders
1 Dynamic Dialogue (first offering - sold out!)
7 Custom Team Workshops (presenting in community centers, conference rooms, veterinary clinics and one equine surgery stall!)
10 Conference Speaking & Veterinary Industry events
16 days of teaching & coaching to University of Calgary veterinary students and Olds College veterinary technology students 

โœ” Projects completed in  2024:
Filmed & produced our 2nd Documentary: An Evolution and a Revolution. Mobilizing RVTs ®, filmed content for upcoming online courses,  organized, sponsored and spoke at the ICCVM (International Conference for Communication in Veterinary Medicine), first time successfully offered Dynamic Dialogue with Dr. Cindy Adams, first offering of Mobilizing RVTs® in Ontario, introduced Dr. Amanda to the team and created the menu of Mobilizing RVTs Integration Services, to name a few....

๐Ÿ˜ฉ The struggles we had:  

2024 came with many challenges and I refer to this past year with the phrase,  'death by 1000 cuts'. Professional challenges of owning a business and navigating budgets, timelines and team and doing all of that to still try and make ends meet. Entrepreneurship is certainly not for the faint of heart. As this business grows, so do the ups and downs and we experienced a number of hits this year - we made it, but it was tough going at times.

We suffered the loss of my father in law and of 2 family friends who passed away suddenly. I made the difficult, but needed, decision to euthanize my beautiful mare, April (pictured above). Grief is a normal part of experiencing loss, but it hurts, it uses up our energy and it needs to run its course. I feel it. 

๐Ÿ’ช We got GRIT.

With all of that, we head into 2025 with GRIT, with PURPOSE and with DETERMINATION. I'm ready to say goodbye to 2024 and hello to 2025!

We have polished our Signature Programs, launched a new website, are organizing a NEW event: Curiosity in Conversation, THE Summit for Communication Nerds, are building online courses, creating our 3rd documentary and looking ahead with excitement and joy.

 ๐Ÿงก We stay true to our purpose, "Coaching People to Communicate Better".


I'm half way through my 5th year in business and it feels good. My theme for 2025?


Bring It.



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